Setting up Portainer in Synology with a web portal and custom domain

I know there are already a lot of posts online that describe how to setup a Portainer on a Synology DSM, but I am writing this for my own reference.

SSH to the Synology, then run the following commands:

sudo -i

mkdir -p /volume1/docker/portainer

docker create --name=portainer --privileged --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /volume1/docker/portainer:/data portainer/portainer-ce

On Docker app, find the portainer container, then check Enable web portal via Web Station

Add port 9443 for HTTPS, then hit Save.

DSM will prompt to configure the web portal settings in Web Station.

Create web portal

Enter hostname for the web portal, then hit Create.

Configure web portal

Finally, start the container on Docker app and it’s good to go.

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